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Hello and welcome! I'm Dzianis, a licensed radio ham holding the callsign DD1LD. I love to take this hobby with me wherever I may roam. The blog "QTC de DD1LD" means "Messages From Me" and reflects my ham radio activities and projects. I barely have time to write everything down, so I blog occasionally, and mainly, for myself. You can subscribe to the blog below to receive updates when new posts are available. 73 and enjoy reading!

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GoGreen XOTA

GoGreen XOTA? What on earth does it mean? There are thousands of ham radio operating awards available, some of them offer a great way to...

Monday, January 27, 2025

Triathlon 2024 is over, running a marathon 2025

2024 was a SOTA year for me. I was very busy with SOTA activities in the Alps trying to reach as many "to-be-deleted" (TBD) summits as possible.  I would even say that I was slightly under pressure to take the last chance and activate as many TBDs as possible. Also, this and other numerous XOTA activations contributed to the achieving the platinum award in the GMA Triathlon. This was the first year I reached the annual Platinum Activator Status. Additionally, I just moved to the MEGA Activator level. It was fun! It was an unique and exciting experience to get there and reach that level, so I'm going to keep going. I wouldn't say it was very difficult, but it required some strategy, dedication and planning. As with any triathlon, there are some disciplines you may enjoy more than others, but you must do them all. Well, sure, I am proud of this achievement πŸ˜€πŸ’ͺ. Now, I should continue and look forward and set new goals and challenges. So, what's next?

Only six activators reached the platinum status in the GMA Triathlon 2024.  

I was looking for a new challenge for 2025. All SOTA related challenges in the Alps are out of my scope. The glorious SOTA era in SOTA-DL is over, the SOTA-DL association just lost almost half of its references because of P150. Well, I just need to activate a dozen peaks in SOTA-DL to get 300 uniques for my German Alps Challenger Award in Gold. And that's all. It's kind of weird. Almost all XOTA programs try to attract new participants and release as many new references as possible or necessary to keep the program running.  However, SOTA is doing it the other way around, SOTA has basically made no progress for years (apart from the launch of the new associations) and is now even taking a step backwards. It's the same P150 rule with some arbitrary allowance of P100 in some priviledged countries and areas, the same arbitrary and unfair points system and the inconsistency in the association parameters. SOTA points and rankings are meaningless to me, however, it seems that it is still crucial for some competing folks. The SOTA MT simply doesn't care. Me too now. Their rules, their game. So, SOTA is now just for fun for me. Ob Sommer oder Winter, der Berg ruft immer! 

The WWFF just announced the WWFF 2025 Marathon.  Let’s take a look at the rules and review them. 

Awards for Hunters.
  • “WWFF Pillar Hunter for working WWFF activators on at least 180 calendar days during the year.”

It looks like I'm still too young for the "WWFF Pillar Hunter Club", whose members are probably pensioners or unemployed OMs without families who can sit in front of the TRX every other day in the middle of the day. I am confused as to where the 180-calendar-days requirement comes from and what the goal is here. For those who will be leading the Top Hunter list, the 180-calendar-days requirement doesn’t play any role, since they will be hunting every day from morning to night and from dusk to down. I don't have this option. And I don't see how this requirement is supposed to encourage new hunters, such as people who work all day like me, families with children, youngsters or newcomers, to take part in the marathon and reach the pillar hunter status. The entry barrier to the "WWFF Pillar Hunter Club" is too high, so like many others I'm not going to join this club. No, no, I'm not sad about it at all, a typical Pillar Hunter is probably a very old man with a lot of free time, I just don’t fit the profile yet 😁. Why not a 44-calendar-days requirement for a basic award then? OK, your rules, your game, I don’t care, I'll just keep hunting occasionally like I always have.

  • “For number of WWFF QSOs during the year: 244, 1,044, 2,044, and 3,044.”

Here the same story, I will not have time to chase and accompany the same activator through all the bands in all modes. One QSO is enough to have the park hunted. If I have the chance to work with him twice, I will.

  • “For number of DXFF and during the year: 44.“  

Feasible and doable. I'm in. 

  • “For number of KFF states/territories + VEFF provinces/territories + VKFF states/territories during the year: 44”.  

Would be difficult from my QTH, but not impossible. I guess it would work fine for POTA rather than for WWFF as there is a lot more going on in POTA across the pond. I πŸ’– DXing, so let's see how many I can reach! This award is probably intended primarily for hunters in NA.  

Awards for Activators.

  • “WWFF Pillar Activator for activating at least one WWFF reference every month.”

This award can easily be achieved by everyone. You just need to activate at least one reference per month. It can be the same park around the corner. Just go there, have fun with your radio, enjoy nature, get some fresh air and collect QSOs. OK, I like it and I’m in πŸ‘πŸ‘Š

  • “For number of WWFF QSOs during the year: 244, 1,044, 5,044, and 10,044.”

I’m less interested in the number of QSOs. An award that simply indicates the number of OSOs completed during the year – 244 or 10,044 – does not excite me. I find the Kilo Award (1000 QSOs from one park) more elegant, where you can collect different Kilos from different parks. 

Many parks around the corner were activated several times on 20/40m during the solar minimum. Instead, I want to put more emphasis on high band DXing, reaching as many DXs as possible and giving new ones to DX hunters, especially since the high bands are now in top form. At some point the solar cycle maximum will be over for the next 11 years, and I don't want to miss that. Low bands can wait. High bands also mean far fewer QSOs, but when they are open, very nice DX opportunities. So why not to introduce an award for “the number of DXCC reached during the year: 44 or 88?” Okay, DX will be my own challenge then. DXing is especially fun within POTA as POTA is much more popular around the world. 

Secondly, I want to “GoGreen” as often as possible, at least once a month. It is not the award or the number of QSOs that are important, but above all the outdoor experience and the memory that remains. And an award can be a nice reminder of your outdoor and /P activities. Finally, it’s my run and my fun, isn't it? It’s also about home brewing, trying out new things and optimizing /P-equipment. It is about personal goals and sporting challenges as well as one's own health and inner satisfaction, etc.πŸ˜€ Ohh, excuse me, I'm getting off topic. Let's move on 😁.

  • “For number of confirmed P2P QSOs during the year: 44, 144, and 244.”

I do not actively collect P2P or S2S, but always respond respectfully to any /P callers. With WWFF, the P2P has to be entered manually into the log, which is very annoying. Unfortunatelly, there is no simple cross checking as with POTA.

And what is my final impression? The idea of ​​the marathon is basically good. However, the WWFF seems to make everything overly complicated. Make it simple and people will go for it. The WWFF marathon will certainly provide a boost in activity, but probably among the existing activators and hunters who were already represented in the program and rankings. The "WWFF Hunter Pillar Club" will certainly have many members this year, as radio amateurs in the EU suffer from the problem of aging. The WWFF Pillar Activator Award, which requires one activation per month, can be easily achieved by anyone who is not too lazy πŸ‘. However, I do not see how the actual marathon rules are intended to attract and mobilize new groups of participants. POTA succeeds in doing that. The aim of the marathon is probably to stimulate activity within the WWFF own party πŸ˜‰, but this is OK. I definitely won't be able to top any marathon rankings because I don't have time for it. However, I will have my fun and my own goals and challenges within the WWFF 2025 Marathon, which provides a solid framework for this.

Then let's run. My personal live score is here:

Short summary for January 2025

My focus in January was mainly on the high bands and DX when operating outdoor POTA/WWFF. The propagation conditions on the high bands were somewhat changeable, but still good, and I didn't want to miss out on a chance for DX. I got a few nice P2P with NA on 10/15m, the highlight was a P2P QSO with JA on 15 m πŸ‘. 

DD1LD/P statistics for January 2025. All QSOs @ outdoor XOTA.

 DD1LD/P QSOs map in January 2025. All QSOs @ outdoor XOTA.

CU agn es 73 de Dzianis, DD1LD

Monday, October 28, 2024

POTA Activation & High Bands Splash

Sunday, October 28th, 2024.

The Ismaning Reservoir is one of my favorite places, I really enjoy being there. A while ago I applied for a POTA reference for this location and the application was accepted, POTA DE-0798. So, I take my radio with me every now and then.

On Sunday afternoon I had some free time and I did not want to miss these very good propagation conditions with K=2, SFI=248. I fed 10-20W into a Lambda/4 GPA and got a nice high bands splash πŸ’¦πŸ’ͺ. I took it easy, operated for a while, enjoyed every QSO, chatted with the people walking around, took a little walk with Spartacus and then radioed again until we both got hungry 😁. 

High bands splash from the Ismaning Reservoir, POTA DE-0798. 
CW runs only, no SSB, no contest and no digi modes. 

On October 15th, 2024 representatives from NASA and NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center  announced that the sun has entered its solar maximum period which could continue for another year.  The high bands are now in top shape and you should focus on the high bands instead of operating on the low bands because:
  • you can also get nice DX in your log with QRP and mediocre antennas;
  • [in this case] POTA is international and very popular across the pond, even more so than in Europe. There are many more chasers there than in Europe who would be happy about a new international POTA one;
  • and, finally, a DX pile-up is fun.
Have fun operating on high bands!
73 de Dzianis, DD1LD

Sunday, October 27, 2024

Alpine trail running with QRP in October

In October I was lucky enough to enjoy a couple of nice mountain trail runs in lovely weather. The goal was to activate as many SOTA references as possible as quickly as possible, but with as many QSOs as possible πŸ˜ƒ. The focus was on the summits that will no longer be valid for SOTA from January 1, 2025. The other references were a nice addition. Here is a brief evaluation and summary of these activations within a radio sporting aspect - how to keep a SOTA activation as short as necessary and log as many QSOs as possible.

Trail running together in the Ammergau Apls was fun. Grosse Klammspitz, DL/AM-112, 1924m. 
Boundary conditions

  • Equipment used: USDX+ TRX with 4W output and 5m long GPA. 
  • (Self)Spotting: SOTAwatch only.  
  • Propagation conditions: fair and similar in all runs.

Trail Run #1. October 12th, 2024.  Three alpine peaks and altogether five XOTA references were activated by 135 QSOs. Call used DA20XOTA. Two SOTA references expire in 2025. This was an easy mountain run with relatively long operating times. The pile-up on DL/AM-008 on 20m lasted over 30 minutes! In average, 45 QSOs in 39 minutes [1.1 QSO/min] per SOTA summit. Propagation: K=4, SFI=214.

Band changes and afternoon time resulted in a lower run rate. 
E.g. only 5 QSOs were logged on 17m that day

Trail Run #2. October 16th, 2024. Four alpine peaks and altogether five XOTA references were activated by 123 QSOs. Call used DD1LD/P. Two SOTA references expire in 2025. This was a nice trail run with fair operating times on two bands. The GMA activation of the famous Brunnenkopf, DA/AM-004 was purely for fun and final relaxation. In average, 38 QSOs in 27 minutes [1.4 QSO/min] per SOTA summit (without DA/AM-004).  Propagation: K=3, SFI=174.

The best runs are usually before midday. I struggled to get a couple of chasers in FM.

Trail Run #3. October 20th, 2024. Five alpine peaks and altogether seven XOTA references were activated by 145 QSOs. Call used DA20XOTA. Four SOTA references expire in 2025. This was a fast trail run with operating times of about 30 minutes per summit. Unfortunately, the repair of my antenna on the Horn, DL/AL-181 took some time, and a short attempt on 10m from here yielded no QSOs.  In average, 31 QSOs in 29 minutes [1.1 QSO/min] per SOTA summit (without DL/AL-181). Propagation: K=2, SFI=163.

The best runs were before midday. High bands took time and were not as productive as 40/30/20m.
In the late afternoon, e.g. when activating AL-181, 40/30m bands were the best option.

Trail Run #4. October 25th, 2024. Three alpine peaks and altogether five XOTA references were activated by 99 QSOs. Call used DD1LD/P. Two SOTA references expire in 2025. This was my best solo SOTA tour 2024 in SOTA DL so far. In average, 33 QSOs in 21 minutes [1.6 QSO/min] per SOTA summit.  K=4, SFI=170.

This was a very long and tough trail run of about 12 hours in total. The first two peaks AL-003, Hochrappenkopf and AL-004, Rappenseekopf were easy to climb, the last one AL-005, Hochgundspitze was a bit tricky and required some high-speed free climbing (a couple of cruxes with difficulty level II). The total distance was 2x9km (bike) + 13km (hike) = 31km with ~2000m ascent.
Short runs on 20/40m delivered the best run rate.  After a very long climb I needed some more rest on DL/AL-003. Due to time constraints, I had to keep the activation short on AL-005, which resulted in the best run rate.

Operating spot on the Rappenseekopf, DL/AL-004,  2460m. Hochgundspitze, DL/AL-005 on the left, and Hohes Licht, OE/TI-160 on the right. I only met two other trail runners that day. 

  • Switching bands and modes takes time. For high-speed activations, single or two bands are sufficient. 20m/40m seems to be a sweet combo in terms of QSO rate and chaser satisfaction level. High bands offer more DX opportunities but are (much) less productive.  If you really want to get it quickly, use just single band and single mode and operate until the pile-up dries up. 
  • The midday and late afternoon times are not as productive as the morning hours because there are fewer and fewer EU-chasers available. Therefore, the midday and late afternoon runs on each band should/will be shorter. Too early activation is not good either.
  • The operating time of about 30 minutes (or less) per summit seems to me to be a good compromise in terms of QSO rate. It is also enough to give my body some rest and prepare it for the hike to the next summit.
  • Shortwave CW is fun πŸ‘. There is not much time for rag chewing, so I usually operate in a contest style at 30 wpm - CALL, RST and TU. 2m FM is mainly used as backup and for APRS beaconing. And, I just don't like local FM as much as CW and DX. 
Therefore for mountain trail runs in the Alps that aim for fast SOTA/GMA activations, a short 20m and/or 40m run for about 20-30 minutes per summit seems to be the optimal choice. Keep in mind that your body needs some rest, so you may want to operate (and have fun 😁) for longer than 20 minutes. The radio equipment should therefore be optimized accordingly, but that is another story. And what are your thoughts and experiences?

Activated summits with 98 alpine points during October trail runs in SOTA-DL.   

See you soon at the next alpine trail run!
73 de Dzianis, DD1LD

Friday, August 30, 2024

Scandic Tour 2024 - Part IV

2024-08-25. Hjelmen, LA/RL-309, 206m, 1 point.  On the to Stavanger on Sunday we had some time for outdoor activities and walked to the Hjelmen, which was right on our way. The short walk is easy and family-friendly, and the views of the fjords are awesome. The weather changed constantly between sun and rain, it felt like every quarter of an hour or so. Of course, it started to rain as soon as I sent my first CQ into the ether 😁. The propagation was like a roller coaster ride, the signals on 17/20m were changing from zero to S9 and then back to S0. In total, 21 QSOs in CW were logged in 25 minutes of operating time.  

The view point on the Hjelmen, LA/RL-309.

2024-08-26. Hirtshals FyrARLHS DEN-017. This was a purely technical activation of the Hirtshals lighthouse for the GMA Triathlon during our family trip to the lighthouse and to the WW2 bunker museum before we began our long journey home. I was lucky to get 7 QRP QSOs in CW on 20m in 10 minutes of calling CQ while the rest of the family enjoyed their breakfast. Overall, it is a really interesting, historical and educational place, a worthwhile spotlight, and where our children had a lot of fun. 

Hirtshals Fyr, ARLHS DEN-017.

2024-08-26. Lysnet, OZ/OZ-008, 131m, 1 point. It was nothing more and nothing less than a quick QRP activation as a stopover on the way home. Lysnet is the ninth highest point in Denmark, I would not describe this hill as interesting or attractive, however, it was another unique for me. There is a OZFF next to the summit, but we didn't have time for it. In less than 20 minutes of operation, 20 QSOs were made on 20m, the reference was successfully activated in CW, and I called it a day. This was the last activation in Scandinavia as we still had a long way home ahead of us.

Short stop and last activation at the the Lysnet hill, OZ/OZ-008. 

Tnx all es 73 de Dzianis, OZ/DD1LD

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Scandic Tour 2024 - Part III

2024-08-17. LA/AA-118, LauvΓ₯sknuten, 617m,  2 points.  It was the first activation of this mountain. I started in Tveit and followed the path up to SvartetjΓΈnn. The rest of the hike, which I liked the most, was pathless. An experienced hiker will find his way to the top πŸ˜‰. To give you a direction: you have to cross the saddle between SkjebbettjΓΈrn and OrretjΓΈnn. What a beautiful and secluded area there! 

View from the summit. There is a small water source at the very top.

View from the summit. 

 Once I got to the top, I had to wait a moment until a short shower had passed. I found a nice, sheltered spot near the summit and was able to get 26 QSOs on 17/20/30 m despite very poor propagation and deep QSB. The weather was stable with some short, very localized rain showers and gusts of wind. I definitely enjoyed the hike and the surroundings more today than operating the radio.

Operating QRP from LA/AA-118, LauvΓ₯sknuten. There is a small cairn on the top. 

2024-08-19. LA/RL-089, HustveitsΓ₯ta, 1187m, 4 points. It was a micro adventure through all vegetation layers from 0m ASL to 1187m. It was quite a strenuous hike, the route length was 20 km with too much water, wetness, mud, swamp, wet stones. My feet were completely wet when I reached the summit. I had to take my shoes off twice to cross an ice-cold stream on foot. At the top it was cold and very windy, I put on all the clothes. However, the unpredictable and capricious weather in western Norway was kind to us and meant that we didn't have any rain for quite a while.
The propagation was awful, with a lot of QSB. However, it was more than enough for a successful activation - 23 QSOs on 20m in 30 minutes standing behind the stone wall. I haven't tried the other bands, a few QSOs more or less wouldn't have made any difference. Instead, I decided to take a little more time to enjoy and absorb the beauty of the nature.  

I tried to do everything at high speed, since, unfortunately, I started the hike a little late to wait out the morning rain. The neighboring summit Vardanuten, LA/RL-149 would have been possible to hike and activate, but would have taken at least another three hours and I didn't have time because I had to pick up my family in Sauda. Overall, I was very satisfied with the tour. I just like being in fjells, unfortunately it happens too rarely.

On the way to the summit. 

My operating spot on  LA/RL-089, HustveitsΓ₯ta. The stone tower protected us from the wind.

View from the summit. 

2024-08-21. LA/RL-126, Tinden, 1564m, 6 points. Probably, it was the most beautiful SOTA tour so far. I was so happy to be able to enjoy the absolute solitude and endless beauty of the Norwegian fjells and mountains for a long while. This tour will remain in my memory for a long time. 

The trail starts at the Bauta (Memorial) Knut Vesthassel and is partially marked. The hike is long but technically easy. However, you need to have very good orientation skills in pathless terrain. The weather was stable without rain. On the way down we were suddenly surprised by the fog, which caused us to lose our way twice. But it wasn't too bad 😏. As soon as we descended below the fog line, we found our way home.

The temperature was slightly above 0°C, so that I didn't have any problems with cold fingers while keying in CW. So I stayed on the summit a little longer than usual. The propagation was poor, like all those days. Nevertheless, 38 QSOs were logged on 17/20m in 45 minutes of operating time with some DX to NA on 17m.

Another six-pointer, LA/RL-128 was very close, but due to family commitments I did not have time for it. And besides, because of the fog in the rough terrain, I wasn't sure. 

For me, there is nothing more beautiful in Norway than hiking through the fells.

On the way to the summit.

In the pathless terrain.

Arrived at LA/RL-126, Tinden, 1564m.

Operating QRP from LA/RL-126, Tinden, 1564m.

View from the summit.

The fog is coming... 

On the way down. 

Tnx all chasers es 73 de Dzianis, LA/DD1LD

Friday, August 23, 2024

Scandic Tour 2024 - Part II

2024-08-23. LAFF-0186, Vikaneset. Today I had my first experience with the LAFF Norway. I must admit, I was a little confused. Let me explain.

At laff44.blogspot.com I found this, I quote: 

"If you want the activation to count towards the international activator award, you have to a) make at least 44 QSOs, and b) stay in the area for at least two hours."

a) is clear and within the general WWFF rules. b) is a ridiculous rule that doesn't make much sense to me. First, if the propagation conditions and/or weather are bad, why on earth do I have to spend 2 hours outside in the rain without making a QSO? Second, theoretically I could collect 44 QSOs in 30 minutes, then read a book in the car for 1.5 hours, and then “I have stayed in the area for at least two hours,” right? Or I could collect 44 QSOs in 30 minutes, then cook and enjoy my lunch, and then just make a few QSOs to fill 2 hours. What does "stay in the area for at least two hours" mean and how to document this? Some questions simply remain unanswered. To be honest, I never understood why there should be additional national rules, it just makes things unnecessarily complicated. There are general WWFF rules and that's all! Well, rules are rules, and to be on the safe side, I decided to be on air for 2 hours net, that means at least 2 hours of logged on-air time. That was the plan. 

The Vikaneset is a medium-sized nature reserve, it's a 5.2 km long forested mountainside between Saudavegen and Saudfjorden.

Saudafjorden. The Vikaneset nature reserve is in the picture on the right.

In order not to damage the sensitive nature, I decided to place the radio station on the north side of the reserve near the small bridge and as close to the road as possible. Near the gravel road down to Saudafjorden a found a sign saying "Naturreservat". 

 Sign to Vikaneset nature reserve next to the gravel road. 

I was on air at 8:00 UTC. In 1 hour 20 minutes net operating time I collected 58 QSOs on 17/20/40m. The propagation worsened, the pile-up dried up and the QSO rate deteriorated. I decided to take a break and visit with my family the Ryfylkemuseet in Hustveit , which was very close to the Vikaneset nature reserve, and then come back to the reserve to continue with the activation. Our children had a lot of fun in Hustveit and around.

The museum is an interesting tourist spot and is open 24 hours a day. Life was hard back then.

A water mill and a water sawmill. It was hard work back then.

Three hours later I came back to the operating spot and enjoyed another pile-up at 17/20m. I got additional 33 QSOs in 40 minutes of net operating time. The 17m band was kind of weak today, the 20m band was in good condition. Unfortunately, the rain got heavier and heavier and I skipped 40m and finally QRT'd. In total, 91 QSOs (mainly EU plus KD1CT) were completed within 2 hours of net operating time. This means that the rule b) is fulfilled, at least I hope so. The log and evidence have been submitted to the LAFF coordinator.  Let's see whether the activation will be qualified.

I was thinking about doing another LAFF activation tomorrow, but somehow I don't feel like spending two hours in the pouring rain. National WWFF regulations are intended to encourage more activities, but – at least for me – they have the opposite effect, they are erecting further hurdles to make sucessfull activation more difficult.

44, 73 de Dzianis, LA/DD1LD

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Scandic Tour 2024 - Part I

I did a few activitions during our family vacation in Norway. Below are a few impressions from those activities. Vi elsker Norge! It is not easy to capture the incredible beauty of this country in words, I prefer to let the pictures speak for themselves. Ham radio activities were not the focus of this family trip, but I tried to be ony air as much as possible. 

2024-08-10. OZ/OZ-001, Yding SkovhΓΈj, 172m, 1 point. It was a stopover on the way to Norway and a very short activation of the highest elevation/hill in Denmark. 14 QSOs were made in 20 minutes on 30/40m late in the evening just to check in a new reference and a new association. Because of the strong wind, I operated in the forest right on top of the hill.

Enjoying the sunset at the Yding SkovhΓΈj, OZ/OZ-001.  

2024-08-11. LA/VA-078, Ropstadknuten, 488m, 1 point. It was another stop on the way north and a nice, easy family hike combined with a short SOTA activation in the late afternoon. 14 QSOs were made in 20 minutes on 20/30m. I was busy with radio on the actual summit while the rest of the family was picking big, tasty blueberries.

Look-up tower close to the summit lies in AZ. The actual summit is about 250m north.

Nice weather and geat views all around.

2024-08-15. LA/AA-068, Γ…rdalsknapen, 762m, 2 points. This was a very nice but long and not so easy family hike. We started at the Neset campsite at Byglandsfjorden. 

The Neset view point.

The muddy and wet path was easy to follow. The weather was stable almost until the end, and it only started to rain heavily on the way down, so we took it a little slower because the stones and tree roots were very slippery. The activation in the late afternoon was rather quick by 16 QSOs in CW on 17/20m. 

Reached the windy summit...

Successfully activated it in CW...

Enjoyed the view and the hike ... What more do you need?

73 de Dzianis, LA/DD1LD