Hello and Welcome!

Hello and welcome! I'm Dzianis, a licensed radio ham holding the callsign DD1LD. I love to take this hobby with me wherever I may roam. The blog "QTC de DD1LD" means "Messages From Me" and reflects my ham radio activities and projects. I barely have time to write everything down, so I blog occasionally, and mainly, for myself. You can subscribe to the blog below to receive updates when new posts are available. 73 and enjoy reading!

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Thursday, August 22, 2024

Scandic Tour 2024 - Part I

I did a few activitions during our family vacation in Norway. Below are a few impressions from those activities. Vi elsker Norge! It is not easy to capture the incredible beauty of this country in words, I prefer to let the pictures speak for themselves. Ham radio activities were not the focus of this family trip, but I tried to be ony air as much as possible. 

2024-08-10. OZ/OZ-001, Yding Skovhøj, 172m, 1 point. It was a stopover on the way to Norway and a very short activation of the highest elevation/hill in Denmark. 14 QSOs were made in 20 minutes on 30/40m late in the evening just to check in a new reference and a new association. Because of the strong wind, I operated in the forest right on top of the hill.

Enjoying the sunset at the Yding Skovhøj, OZ/OZ-001.  

2024-08-11. LA/VA-078, Ropstadknuten, 488m, 1 point. It was another stop on the way north and a nice, easy family hike combined with a short SOTA activation in the late afternoon. 14 QSOs were made in 20 minutes on 20/30m. I was busy with radio on the actual summit while the rest of the family was picking big, tasty blueberries.

Look-up tower close to the summit lies in AZ. The actual summit is about 250m north.

Nice weather and geat views all around.

2024-08-15. LA/AA-068, Årdalsknapen, 762m, 2 points. This was a very nice but long and not so easy family hike. We started at the Neset campsite at Byglandsfjorden. 

The Neset view point.

The muddy and wet path was easy to follow. The weather was stable almost until the end, and it only started to rain heavily on the way down, so we took it a little slower because the stones and tree roots were very slippery. The activation in the late afternoon was rather quick by 16 QSOs in CW on 17/20m. 

Reached the windy summit...

Successfully activated it in CW...

Enjoyed the view and the hike ... What more do you need?

73 de Dzianis, LA/DD1LD

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