I can not say that I am a fan of RTTY and I find CW and SSB anyway more exciting. But although RTTY is a relaxing operation mode someone like me could find it amazing and still challenging. By the way you can watch TV, have a cup of coffee or a little chat with your girlfriend, enjoy your favourite beer or do whatever you are able to do else… That is a quite family-friendly ham radio opened for every licensed amateur as well for a novice as for a professional. However, you have to have a lot of patience.
Anyway, I like RTTY and I decided to join in CW WW WPX RTTY contest this weekend. Actually that was the second RTTY contest I have joined at all. Before I start describing over the course of the contest I want to mention what my equipment is: eight meter long wire and mobile FT-857. Sometimes I am astonished what I can “funken” (I like this German word rather than English “making radio communication” or “establishing radio connections”, I would say there is no any appropriate equivalent in English for this unique German word) with a wire stick.
I started on Friday in the night with 80W output power. I chosen only 40m band. Most QSO were done in S&P (search & point) mode. CQing (i.e. calling CQ) also was very useful even with the low power, because many local hams (local means European) did not call CQ at all, they went through all bands, collected QSO and disappeared again. I was surprised as two Japanese and a couple of US calls came into my log on Sunday just by calling CQ. On the other hand, my frequency was often stolen, that is someone started CQing on my frequency and I was permanently forced to search for a free one. As consequence of the frequency deficit many station were calling among SSB guys. Never mind!
As I mentioned above, you must be very patient doing RTTY. I was calling CQ, one ham came back but he did not catch my serial number for several times. As soon as he finally got my number, he was probably so happy about that he scrammed in the next seconds without leaving me his serial. The second casus is more amazing. I was having a solid QSO with a DX station and sending my serial, suddenly one “local” ham turned up, sent his call and serial number, probably picked up the serial intended for this DX station, and disappeared as fast as he appeared without to be confirmed. I quickly made a note with his call. Later I met him again calling CQ. I answered and before my last letter was sent I promptly got back “QSO B4” and he started CQing again. OK, if you mind…
On Saturday in the daytime I worked with S7-S8 of noise due to my “industrial” environment and then Maria and me went out. On Sunday afternoon I hardly ever had any run. Because of strong wind and rain causing S9-level noise due to static charges on the antenna I was able to proceed the contest in the late evening. After the planed score threshold of 500K was passed I stopped and went to bed quite tired.
Looking back to the contest I would say that was a good experience hunting DX stations with my modest performing mobile rig. I had a great feeling hardly gathered rare calls into my Log. Despite that the fun/time factor is less than by doing CW I won’t stop encouraging anyone at least to have a try at RTTY.
Highlights are JA, Caribbean, America, VQ9 and, especially, YW0DX.
Here is my claimed score:
Date: | Februar 11-12, 2007 |
Call: | DD1LD
Category: | Single OP
Band: | 40m |
Power: | Low |
Mode: | CW
QTH: | home
| QSOs | Points | WPX |
Total: | 409
| 1782 | 286 |
Score: | 509 652